Curriculum Vitae Dr. Gundula Tutt


 1988 - 1992:

Formation at Koch & Wieck Conservator-Restorers in Stuttgart (conservation and restoration of paintings and polychromatic sculpture).


1992 - 1996:  

Academic studies of conservation of paintings and polychromatic sculpture at the Institut für Technologie der Malerei / Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart (finished with university diploma/master's degree).


1996 – 2010:

Freelance work in the conservation and restoration of art and cultural heritage in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria. 



Start of research on new methods to conserve and restore historic vehicles including the preservation of their original materials.



Formation of my company OMNIA Restoration in Freiburg/Germany, 

start of scientific analysis, conservation and restoration work on original paints and coatings, leather and artificial leather, textile materials, wood lacquers and galvanic surfaces on historic vehicles in active use.  Professional conservation and restoration work for private motor museums and and public collections.


since 2005:

(to date)         

Numerous practical projects, scientific analysis, counseling, survey and investigation work in this context

(- mainly vehicles from the era pre-WWII).


2006 – 2015:

Parallel to these practical projects:

doctoral thesis on „History, development materials and application of motor vehicle painting between 1900 and 1945“ at Institut für Technologie der Malerei / ABK Stuttgart. The doctorate was successfully defended in 2015.


2008 – 2014:

International association work in the Fédération Internationale des Véhicules Anciens (FIVA) as Secretary of the Culture Commission.

Development of the "Charter of Turin" and the related glossary on preservation, restoration and responsible use of historic vehicles together with the FIVA Culture Commission.


since 2011:

(to date)










































2011 - 2022

Continuous  work on historic vehicles projects for German and international collectors and museums, like the Porsche Company Museum, PS.Speicher, Cité de l' Automobile/Collection Schlumpf, The Collier Collection, The Louwman Museum,  Musee de la Voiture et du Tourisme, PS.Speicher, Mercedes-Benz Museum, Mercedes Heritage,  BMW Classic, Audi museum mobile and numerous private collections.

A 1939 Bugatti T57C "Vanvooren" treated in my workshop was awarded Preservation Class winner at Chantilly Arts & Elegance Richard Mille in 2015 and received the "Prix du Meilleur Preservation" given by the Fédération International des Vehicules Anciens.
In 2024, the unrestored 
1934 Bugatti Type 59 Sports, on which I carried out the stabilization and preservation of the historic paintwork, was awarded “Best of Show” at the Pebble Beach Concours D'Elegance.


Papers, lectures, teaching, and seminars, given at:

Fachhochschule Köln

Universität Karlsruhe / KIT

Society of Automotive Historians

Society of Automotive Historians in Britain

Historic Vehicle Association

TÜV Rheinland Akademie

Cité de l' Automobile / Collection Schlumpf

Interessengemeinschaft Fahrzeugrestauratoren Schweiz

World Forum for Motor Museums

The REVS Institute for Automotive Research and Historical Studies, (see here, here and here)

Deutsche Anwalt Akademie


Münchner Arbeitskreis für Strassenfahrzeuge

TÜV Süd Akademie

RPM Foundation


These talks and lectures cover subjects like properties and sources of authentic historic vehicle materials, (paints, leather, artificial leathers, textiles and many more), historic vehicle production methods and craft skills, specialized conservation/restoration techniques and the theoretical & practical aspects of the Charter of Turin guidelines.


Founding & board member of IgFS (Interessengemeinschaft Fahrzeugrestauratoren Schweiz), running a professional network,  providing advanced professional training and a unique, state-recognized formation of skilled crafts and trades for restorers of historic vehicles in Switzerland.

This 2-year professional formation, which started in 2015 and has certified the first graduates in January 2018.

The program received the Culture Award 2019 by the Fédération Internationale des Véhiculs Anciens (FIVA).



(to date)


since 2016

(to date)







since 2016

(to date)


Teacher in the Swiss educational program for professional vehicle restorers (Igf)


Member of the "Parlamentskreis Automobiles Kulturgut"  (Parliamentary Working Group Historic Vehicles) at the Deutsche Bundestag & active in several of its project committees_

- Arbeitsguppe Zustandsnoten,

- Abeitsgruppe AKE/ Arbeitsanweisung §23 StVZO

- Arbeitsgruppe REACH).

Continuous research and scientific exchange with the REVS Institute for Automotive Research



(to date)

Member of the foundation council at
Institut für Automotive Forensik (IfaF) in Frankfurt


2019 - 2022



2019 - 2024


The Motorcar Hub foundation,

member of the steering committee.


Member of the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Engineers






July 2024

(to date)

Tutor of an exam research project at the Fachschule für Lacktechnik in Stuttgart, on reconstructing pigment preparations for historic vehicle paints


Chair of the working group "VDI Richtlinie 5900 / part 2.1", developing a comprehensive qualification framework for appraisers in the field of classic and historic vehicles  (- initiated by the German Enigineers Association VDI).




Heritage Dictionary of Historic Vehicles" (Karren Verlag Münster, 2022)

Autor: Dr. Gundula Tutt,

with the assistance of Mario de Rosa,  Peter Diehl, Carsten Müller, Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinrich Hucke, Norbert Schroeder, Thomas Wirth und Julian Westpfahl.

Karren-Verlag Münster, 2019

A compilation of professional terms for the preservation, conservation and authentic restoration of historic vehicles.
In the classic car community today, there is a confusion of language of Babylonian proportions. While passion can be communicated in lyrical tones, facts demand precise wording. Expert opinions and appraisals typically toss around terms like condition, originality, or patina – whose meanings are considered depending on one’s experiences and perspectives.
Meaningful discussions, however, become more difficult when the same vocabulary gets lost in this broad panorama of free interpretations.
Everyone who is interested in and passionate about historic vehicles can draw on this work for a more precise reference for differentiating and describing conditions and approaches.


 "Historic Vehicles, Genuine or Fake?"

 Elsevier, 2022, DOI: 10.1016/j.fsisyn.2022.100218

 Authors: Dr. Gundula Tutt, Sebastian Hoffmann

In-depth forensic investigation and analysis of historic vehicles is a relatively new field of research. However, such examinations are becoming an important tool in the face of rising market values and the associated increase of manipulations and forgeries. We review various forensic approaches used in our interdisciplinary work in this field, including vehicle specialists, metallurgists, restorers, and archaeometry laboratories. The related investigations cover a general examination of the vehicle including detailed analysis of its materials and construction techniques, which are cross-referenced with the techniques and materials used in period. We illustrate our theoretical and analytical approach with practical examples from our work on collector vehicles. Finally, we consider methods and approaches currently under development.


"Automobiler Fachwortschatz zur Beschreibung historischer Fahrzeuge"

Autor:     Dr. Gundula Tutt,

unter Mitwirkung von Mario de Rosa,  Peter Diehl, Carsten Müller, Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinrich Hucke, Norbert Schroeder, Thomas Wirth und Julian Westpfahl.

Karren-Verlag Münster 2019, ISBN 978-3-947060-11-5


In der Oldtimerszene herrscht heute eine Sprachverwirrung babylonischen Ausmaßes, doch mitunter fordern Fakten eine präzise Formulierung. Diese Unschärfe irritiert besonders, weil zunehmend Begriffe aus dem Bereich der Kunst- und Kulturgüter Einzug in die Welt historischer Fahrzeuge gehalten haben. Sie werden meist genutzt, ohne dass ihre seit Jahrzehnten etablierten Definitionen geläufig sind, wie sie in internationalen Normen, Vereinbarungen, Gesetzen oder Abkommen zum Kulturgutschutz als rechtsgültige Standards verankert sind.
Dieser Fachwortschatz bildet den aktuellen Stand einer Vielzahl von Begriffen ab. Er bietet allen, die mit Interesse und Herzblut historischen Fahrzeugen begegnen, eine profunde Referenz, Zustände und Herangehensweisen künftig präziser differenzieren und beschreiben zu können.

(die englische Ausgabe ist 2022 erschienen)


Chapter "Restoring the Unrestored", in:

"The Routledge Companion to Automobile Heritage, Culture and Preservation

Routhledge, 2020, DOI: 10.4324/9780429423918-8

edited by Barry L Stiefel and Jennifer Clark

This comprehensive publication examines the social, cultural, political and economic appreciation of historic vehicles as tangible history and heritage.

The peer reviewed, interdisciplinary work unites 30 authors from nine countries.


Doctoral thesis on „History, development, materials and application of motor vehicle painting between 1900 and 1945“ (defended 2015).

My thesis was published as a book in 2018  under the title

"Kutschenlack, Asphaltschwarz und Nitroglanz"

by Karren Publishing Münster

The book was awarded the Motorworld Buchpreis in 2019, the same year it also received a Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot Award of Distinction from the Society of Automotive Historians (SAH)

(an English edition is in preparation)


What is Patina? - based on a presentation given at  

HVA's Second Drive History Conference (2018)

published by ABTEM (Association of British Technical and Engineering Museums), 2018


The FIVA Carter of Turin Glossary (2016)

authors: Mario De Rosa, Keith Gibbins, Natasa Jerina Grom, Roberto Loi, Rainer Hindrischedt, Jochen Thoma, Dr. Gundula Tutt


TÜV Rheinland Handbuch Oldtimer (2016)

authors: Jürgen Brauckmann, Steffen Mißbach, Norbert Schroeder, including the chapter on the professional glossary for historic vehicles by associated author Dr. Gundula Tutt

(a revised and enhanced second edition is in preparation).


The Carter of Turin (2014)

                 authors: Thomas Kohler, Gundula Tutt ,

                 Mario De Rosa, Alfieri Maserati, Stephan Musfeld, 

                 Mark Gessler, Rainer Hindrischedt


„Kollateralschäden – zum sicheren Umgang mit historischen Fahrzeugoberflächen“ (2012)

                 published in ASP Klassik 8/2012