Neuigkeiten über aktuelle Projekte, Lehrgänge und Veranstaltungen finden Sie in den Rubriken "News"
und "Veranstaltungen"
Information about current projects, courses and events can be found under "News" and "Veranstaltungen"
Classic cars --- vintage cars --- historic vehicles --- prewar cars --- postwar cars --- conservation ---
documentation --- restoration --- project concepts --- counseling --- international network of specialists --- private collections --- vehicle museums --- research on historical materials ---
authentic reconstruction --- scientific publication --- technical heritage --- forensic material analysis --- lectures --- trainings ---- courses --- Charter of Turin --- historic materials ---
oil-based coach paints --- nitrocellulose lacquer --- synthetic resin paints --- rexine --- artificial leather --- historic leathers --- historic textiles --- international network of specialists
--- associaotion work --- FIVA --- VDI --- PAK